Tim Morgan 23rd April 2024

"Even if one can't attain full awakening immediately, this experience will be of great value at the moment of death. The body has taken form through the unification of the father's essence and mother's essence, supported by the five elements. At the moment of death these elements dissolve into each other one by one. When the consciousness finally dissolves into space, every being goes through the experience of clear light, the intrinsic nature of the mind. One doesn't recognize it in this life, because one doesn't give oneself the opportunity to experience it. Yet this light is always present. When they die, all beings, without exception, experience it. Unfortunately, if they have not got to know it during the course of their lives, they are afraid —afraid of what is in reality their own light. This is why, in order to avoid this fear, which prevents us attaining enlightenment at the moment of death, it is extremely helpful to start training ourselves now in becoming aware of our inner light." Pema Wangyal Rinpoche Diamonds of Wisdom